Extra-Thick UV-Coated (1S) Paper Business Card (3.5x2) - B. Unique Shape

Production Time: 7 Working Days
250 $0.71 each
500 $0.40 each
1000 $0.27 each
2500 $0.17 each
5000 $0.14 each
10000 $0.13 each
Business Cards That Stand Out From The Crowd!
Get Noticed with our B. Unique line of bulging rectangle shaped paper business cards and make sure your card doesn''''t get lost in the shuffle. Personalized with your services and your contact information in full-color, extra thick, UV coated business card shapes are a proven marketing tool for keeping your name in front of your clients.

Perfect for service contractors, pet care professionals, computer services, real estate professionals, insurance agents, restaurants, pest control services, heating & cooling services, medical care professionals, announcements, etc.

Normal Production Time
7 Working Days

Product Size
Approx. 3.5 in. x 2 in. Shaped

1 lb per 200 cards

Country of Manufacture
United States

Additional Information
Business cards are printed on 14 point paper and UV-coated on one side. Price include printing in full-color (four color process) on one on one or both sides, UV-coating on one side only. Second side UV-coating is available at an additional charge. Exact color matches, metallic or fluorescent colors cannot be printed in full-color (four color process).

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